
America at 250 Series

The American Revolution remains unfinished. Early revolutionaries engaged in deep debates about how voices are heard and what liberty looks like. While the founding generation set forth one set of answers to these questions, they did not resolve the debates. Every subsequent generation has continued to grapple with these fundamental questions.

Now it’s our turn.

A velvet belt embellished with beads and stones, tied around a blue garment.

Protesting Unfreedom:

Cultural Belongings of Black and Indigenous Histories in Early America

Explore and engage with this online exhibit that highlights the voices of creators and scholars responding to cultural belongings of Black and Indigenous historical narratives.

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National Park Service Article

Forged in the Fire of Revolution: David Wilkinson and the Rise of American Industry

The story of the Wilkinson family is one of the more dramatic and important, if generally overlooked, tales in the early development of the Industrial Revolution. Theirs is also a story forged in the fires of revolution.

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